www. wesleychildcarecenter.com




Re: Scholarship Assistance Program

In order to offer this assistance program, Wesley applies for numerous grants and participates in several fundraising activities. While the need continues to be in high demand, our funding is limited. We are pleased to once again offer this critically important program to our families in need of/ and who qualify for such assistance.

A special thanks to our various supportive organizations and donors that include but are not limited to the following:

  • Village Treasure House
  • Northfield Township
  • Glenview United Methodist Church
  • Glenview Community Church
  • Glenview Optimist Club
  • Glenview Women’s Club
  • Rotary Club of Glenview Sunrise
  • Glenview/ Northbrook Kiwanis
  • Glenview Giving Foundation
  • & many “Friends of Wesley”

In order for your request for scholarship assistance to be consideration:

1. All tuition accounts with Wesley Child Care Center must be in good standing with zero balances to be considered.

2. Families must provide a current Illinois Action for Children determination letter. Wesley Child Care Center will use this as verification of income, employment and schooling.

3. Families must show evidence that they have applied for child care assistance through the State of Illinois Action for Children program. If not, please do so by calling 312-823-1100 or visiting www.actforchildren.org

4. You may be asked to provide additional information in order to be considered for assistance through Wesley Child Care Center. This information could include but is not limited to the following: evidence of income, school schedules, public assistance documentation, and child support arrangements.

5. Please direct all questions regarding individual assistance matters to:
Craig Solomon, Executive Director, Wesle


   © 2023 - Wesley Child Care Center